Next Market Peak

Next Market Peak

Here’s a look at the last five major bear markets (including 2022), and the number of days it took for the stock market to go from one peak to the next:

Market Peak

Market Trough

Next Market Peak

Total # of Days

November 28, 1980

August 12, 1982

November 3, 1982


March 24, 2000

October 9, 2002

May 30, 2007


October 9, 2007

March 9, 2009

March 28, 2013


February 19, 2020

March 23, 2020

August 18, 2020


January 3, 2022




Source: A Wealth of Common Sense 3

The pandemic-driven bear market of 2020 marked the fastest round trip (181 days) to a new peak since 1950, but I think we can classify it as an outlier given the circumstances. Beyond that bear market, the shortest amount of time it took for the market to get back to a previous peak happened in 1950, when it took 436 days. Consider that since 1950, the average number of days it took the stock market to return to a peak is 1,166 – or over three years.

That’s a long time. 


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