money is flowing into companies with market values of $500 million to $50 billion.

money is flowing into companies with market values of $500 million to $50 billion.

As part of my proprietary Quantum Score system, I developed a Big Money Index that tracks these stock-rocketing inflows of cash. We saw diminished buying from mid-December through the first 10 days of January. But those big fund managers have started pushing the “buy button” again. This chart shows you what I mean.

That’s helpful ... but it’s not enough. What we really want to know is where that money is going. My system is like a radar device that locks onto “incoming” money.So what we can learn from that incoming money?If we look back over the last month, the first thing that jumps out in the chart below is that there are more than twice as many Big Money buy signals (blue bars) as sell signals (red bars). You can see that total in the far-right column.
But now comes the “money shot.”Almost all of those blue “buy bars” are situated on the left side – meaning the money is flowing into companies with market values of $500 million to $50 billion.We’re talking small caps ... and mid caps.


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