
Global Sea to SK

  Shipping companies appear to be attractively priced right now. The U.S. Global Sea to Sky Cargo Index (SEAX) currently has a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of just over 2.0, which is significantly lower than stocks in related sectors and industries (transportation and industrials), as well as the S&P 500 and tech-heavy Nasdaq-100. The U.S. Global Sea to Sky ETF (NYSE: SEA) seeks to track the performance, before fees and expenses, of SEAX, a 29-stock index that provides diversified access to the global sea shipping and air freight industries. The index uses various fundamental screens to determine the most efficient sea shipping, air freight and port companies in the world.

Critical Thinking, Logic & Problem Solving The Ultimate Guide to Better Thinking, Systematic Problem Solving and Making Impeccable Decisions with Secret Tips to Detect Logical Fallacies Bigrock Thinking

  Critical Thinking, Logic & Problem Solving The Ultimate Guide to Better Thinking, Systematic Problem Solving and Making Impeccable Decisions with Secret Tips to Detect Logical Fallacies Bigrock Thinking Have you ever wished you were a more effective thinker? Do you feel overwhelmed when presented with a problem? In  Critical Thinking, Logic & Problem Solving , Bigrocks Thinking explains how you can enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to improve your learning, your work, and your personal life. The authors provide a step-by-step method for improving your ability to think critically and solve problems. They offer tips for conducting and thinking about research and information, covering issues like source reliability and logical fallacies. They also explain how to develop and implement solutions to problems, and they provide guidance on how to structure your thinking for effective communication and powerful storytelling. In our guide, we’ll also provide

Story Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting Robert McKee

  Story Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting Robert McKee Stories are mysterious—like music, they have an emotional power over us that’s impossible to explain. However, screenwriter and storytelling expert Robert McKee argues that stories’ emotional power is not only explainable but also something you can learn to create. In  Story , McKee breaks down how stories function and uses this theory to explain how you can write a gripping story. The book is intended for screenwriters, but its principles apply to any kind of storytelling. In this guide, we’ll explain what ingredients enable stories to engage audiences on both an emotional and intellectual level. You’ll learn how “beats” of action and reaction act as the driving force of compelling scenes and how scenes, sequences, and acts fit together to form stories that hold attention. We’ll provide background from earlier works that likely inspired  Story , such as Joseph Campbell’s  The Hero With a Thousand Fac

Ca$hvertising How to Use More Than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make BIG MONEY Selling Anything to Anyone Drew Eric Whitman

  Ca$hvertising How to Use More Than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make BIG MONEY Selling Anything to Anyone Drew Eric Whitman Are you pouring lots of money into your advertising budget but seeing no sales? Are consumers paying no attention to what you think are compelling, well-crafted ads? Advertising coach Drew Whitman claims this is a common gripe of business-owners but that he can help you turn your mediocre ads into money-making machines by letting you in on one big secret: Consumers are only drawn to ads that address their core human needs to survive and thrive. Once you know this, you can avail yourself of the 13 techniques Whitman presents to create such compelling ads. These include aligning your product with a customer’s preferred self-image and using cognitive shortcuts that encourage readers to buy. By the end of this guide, you’ll know how to create an ad readers can’t look away from. Along the way, we’ll add supplemental advice from other marketing gurus and gro

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character Richard Feynman

  Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character Richard Feynman Award-winning scientist Richard Feynman is perhaps more commonly remembered for his colorful personality and quirky sense of humor than for his achievements in the world of theoretical physics. His scientific discoveries were merely one result of his lifelong love of learning, his spirit of adventure, and his determination to live life to its fullest. His memoir  Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!  demonstrates his drive to solve puzzles, his joy at new discoveries, and his sense of inquisitive delight. In this guide, we’ll chart Feynman’s life from his college days to his years on the team that developed the atomic bomb, and finally to his academic career that led to his Nobel Prize. We’ll examine his values of curiosity, persistence, and scientific rigor while comparing Feynman’s personal philosophy with the writings of others on the scientific process, the value of education, and getting the m

The Highly Sensitive Person How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You Elaine N. Aron

  The Highly Sensitive Person How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You Elaine N. Aron If you often find yourself needing to duck out of parties early, covering your ears at loud concerts, or crying at sentimental commercials on television, you might be a highly sensitive person. In  The Highly Sensitive Person , Elaine Aron explains the trait of high sensitivity through case studies, personal experiences, and years of research. Aron is a psychotherapist, an author of multiple books on high sensitivity, and a highly sensitive person herself. In our guide, we’ll explore what high sensitivity is and where it comes from, as well as the strengths and challenges associated with it. We’ll also discuss how you can manage your sensitivity in your personal, social, and professional life and how to cope with any negative symptoms you may experience from it. We’ll also add advice from other experts on how to tap into your abilities as an HSP and manage its challenges, and we’ll contextualize Ar

The Light We Carry Overcoming in Uncertain Times Michelle Obama

  The Light We Carry Overcoming in Uncertain Times Michelle Obama In  The Light We Carry,  former US First Lady Michelle Obama explains that everyone has the potential to improve the world in a way others can’t since everyone has unique abilities, strengths, and perspectives. Since our potentials are unique, Obama believes we have a  responsibility  to fulfill them: No one else can fulfill your unique potential to create positive change, so you must do so. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of nurturing and sharing one’s unique abilities, strengths, and perspectives. We’ll also discuss the major obstacles to doing so and the tools Obama recommends for overcoming those obstacles. In our commentary, we’ll compare Obama’s ideas to those of self-help authors such as Stephen R. Covey and Maxwell Maltz, and we’ll examine how her suggestions intersect with psychological principles.