
10 reasons to consider living or retiring in this beautiful land on the Caribbean

  Here are the top 10 reasons to consider living or retiring in this beautiful land on the Caribbean: 1.   Everyone speaks English.   One of the biggest challenges you can face when making a move to a new country is communicating with your new neighbors. Anywhere you might think about moving, including Belize, you'll have to learn to overcome and adapt to cultural differences. A language difference makes that and everything else, from giving directions to a taxi driver and filling a prescription at the pharmacy to getting your broken hot water heater fixed and negotiating for the purchase of a new home, a whole lot more difficult. In Belize, you don't have to worry about learning a new language if you don't want to. 2.   Belize is easy to get to.   American Airlines, Delta, Southwest, United, and US Airways offer non-stop flights daily from six U.S. cities, making it easy to visit the United States... and easy for family and friends from back home to come share in your new


  What investors need to do in 2023 1. Review your goals Check your portfolio reflects what you are trying to achieve and what actions, if any, could help achieve those goals. Could you be  paying less in fees ? Are you thinking about ditching  holdings in fossil fuels ?  2. Stay cool if your investing horizon is more than five years Remember the golden rule to not panic and sell your investments. There’s a good chance that any falls next year will just be a blip in your portfolio’s history. 3. Diversify, diversify, diversify We know the golden rule about considering a mix of funds, shares and asset classes in order to spread your risk. You might prefer  a multi-asset fund  that does the diversification for you. 4. Look at incorporating some “capital preservation” Less high-flying assets such as gold, government bonds and absolute return funds are worth considering because they are good at “capital preservation”.  Gold  is seen as a steady Eddie that usually holds its value or increase

ten macroeconomic events that Bank of America

  Here’s a summary of the ten macroeconomic events that  Bank of America   1. Risk-on in mid-2023 –   The Fed’s hawkishness is expected to peak sometime in the first half of 2023. They estimate the S&P 500 to end 2023 at or near 4000, with earnings per share at $200. 💚 2. A recession is inevitable –   BAC sees the U.S., U.K., and E.U. facing a near-certain recession. The U.S. is expected to have a mild recession in the first half of 2023. ☹️ 3. Rates elevated until late 2023 –   The 2-year and 10-year U.S. Treasuries are expected to end 2023 at 3.25%. 🥺 4. China’s reopening will be choppy –   BAC doesn’t see a full reopening of China until the second half of 2023. 🔪 5. Emerging Markets to produce strong returns –   Emerging Markets will likely be seen as a favorable investment once peak U.S. inflation ends and China fully reopens. 📭 6. Metal prices to jump in 2023 with a copper rally of 20% anticipated –   China’s reopening, a peak in the U.S. Dollar, and continued growth in gr

Prime Travel Tech

  Prime Travel Tech

Early Investing - favourite products 2022

  The Early Investing Podcast: Our Favorite Products of 2022 - Early Investing

Play List invest 2023

 Play List invest

Santa Rally

  The term “Santa Claus rally” was   first coined in 1972 by Yale Hirsch , a market analyst who observed abnormal returns in the last days of the year. It’s described as a stock market rally that happens around Christmas time, encompassing the last five days of the year and the first two days of the new year.    This rally occurred 57 times in the 70 years between 1950 and 2020. Every time, the S&P 500 went up by an average of 1.3% during those seven days alone.