What investors need to do in 2023

1. Review your goals

Check your portfolio reflects what you are trying to achieve and what actions, if any, could help achieve those goals. Could you be paying less in fees? Are you thinking about ditching holdings in fossil fuels

2. Stay cool if your investing horizon is more than five years

Remember the golden rule to not panic and sell your investments. There’s a good chance that any falls next year will just be a blip in your portfolio’s history.

3. Diversify, diversify, diversify

We know the golden rule about considering a mix of funds, shares and asset classes in order to spread your risk. You might prefer a multi-asset fund that does the diversification for you.

4. Look at incorporating some “capital preservation”

Less high-flying assets such as gold, government bonds and absolute return funds are worth considering because they are good at “capital preservation”. 

Gold is seen as a steady Eddie that usually holds its value or increases when other investments fall. Absolute return funds use techniques including short selling, derivatives and leverage in the hope that they will deliver positive returns under any market conditions.


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