Good start to March 2023


And the reality of the matter is that Oil Services stocks are just a percent or two from new multi-year highs.

New highs are something that you see regularly in uptrends:


February was a tough month for stocks. If it hadn't been, that would be really unusual.

February is like a bad hangover, as we've mentioned plenty of times over the past month, and this year was no different.

And say what you want about Tech stocks, but Technology was the only US sector that was positive for the month of February. That makes 2 in a row. And if Tech goes up in March, that's called a winning streak. It has happened before.

The leading group, however, continues to be Industrials. On an equally-weighted basis, Industrials were the best performing sector in February. On a market-cap weighted basis, Industrials came in second.

Here's a look at all the U.S. Sector Index Funds since the bull market began last summer. Industrials are still leading the way, followed by Financials, Energy and Materials - the 4 sectors that should be leading in a rising rate environment.


Everything is up, even after a tough February.


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