Invest in Mexico for the next stock market explosion

Invest in Mexico for the next stock market explosion

One of the reasons for lower labor costs in Mexico is that the minimum wage is lower than in China.

mexican wage vs chinese wage

Additionally, the cost of living in Mexico is also lower than in China, which means that companies can offer lower wages and still attract a skilled workforce.

Another factor that contributes to lower labor costs in Mexico is the availability of said large, skilled workforce.

Mexico has a large population of skilled workers, particularly in the manufacturing sector. This means that companies can find the workers they need at a lower cost than they would in China.

Mexico also has lower production costs than China because of its proximity to the United States and Canada, which can reduce transportation costs.

This makes it easier for companies to export goods to these markets, which can be a huge advantage.

This means that manufacturing goods in Mexico can save your company a significant amount of money.


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